Caput sextum: Recap 2018

Salve Internet,

I am Carmine Siena from Corvo Bianco Entertainment. Welcome back to the devlog series regarding the development of Villanus: Imperium Romanum. Today we will be opening the book for the last time this year and look together at chapter number six.

Can you already feel the Christmas spirit? As you can see, I am wearing my Christmas jumper today, to get you in the right mood. Since this is the last time we see each other in 2018, I thought it might be a nice idea to have a little wrap-up of this year’s events and progress. So, let us jump in the recap directly.

First of all, let me thank you for your marvellous support! I am really happy to see that Villanus: Imperium Romanum is already creating a small amount of traction at this stage of development. A big thank you goes especially to all of our patrons who have accompanied us through these first months. Up to this moment, ten patrons are pledging continuously, and we hope that some more will join next year. Give us your recommendations regarding the tiers and benefits, if you wish to alter something.

I officially founded Corvo Bianco Entertainment in April as a proper German limited-liability company. The development of Villanus started in around the same which makes somewhat more than half a year of development now. Unfortunately, as assumed and already touched in the last devlog, I have not made any noteworthy progress in the last weeks, due to my crammed schedule. This and next week are still exams, but after the 15th, I will have loads of time to focus on Villanus again.

So, what is the current state of development then? Villanus is still in a “white box” stage, meaning that there are yet no real final assets (3D models, textures, etc.) implemented. Still, the major functions are already running. You can build buildings and produce goods, which are physically transported within the world. The main game logic is also working, so citizens demand goods in order to climb the social ladder. Also, core functions such as saving, loading, statistics, achievements and more are already implemented.

I hope that you liked this quick recap of the events and the progress of 2018. If you have any further questions, make sure to leave a comment in the comment box below! Connect with us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter – both, Villanus: Imperium Romanum and Corvo Bianco Entertainment are on these channels.

If you want to support the development of this amazing project, head over to our Patreon page and become a patron. I am very grateful for each and every one of you aiming to help me realising this game. And don’t worry: you’ll get some pretty cool benefits for pledging!

I am looking forward to hearing from you guys! Have a very merry yuletide and a happy new year! ‘Til then: happy gaming and “in vino veritas”.
Cheers guys!

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